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Your First Workout

If you’re lucky enough to land here before you post at your first workout, there’s a few pro tips you should heed for a successful experience. If you’re reading this after your first workout, that means you didn’t die, and you’re probably coming back. We’re glad you’re here Workout location


For FNGs, the swirl of inside lingo and jargon used at your average F3 workout can be a bit confusing, but don’t let it intimidate you. Like, for instance, “What’s an FNG, and why do people keep calling me that?” By the way, FNG stands for Friendly New Guy, or something like that. Common lexicon we use on a daily basis:
AO: Workout location
Backblast: Workout recap
Beatdown: Workout
Coffeteria: Post-workout gathering
2.0: Your kids
Coupon: Cinder block
HDHH: Hump day happy hour
M: Your wife/significant other
Pax: You, a member of F3
Post: Show up for a workout
Q: Leader of each workout
SYITG: See you in the gloom
TClaps: Triple claps (in admiration)
YHC: Your humble correspondent


We call “normal” exercises ridiculous names. For example, push-ups are “Merkins.” Call ‘em push-ups and you might have to do a few extra Merkins. Seems fair, right? Trying to make sense of what your body just did? Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it!